Growing indoor plants on a vertical wall
A rainbow made only of non-visible light colors
I like overhearing people who are discussing the idea that the lottery jackpot has finally gotten "high enough" that it's time for them to buy a ticket because it's a substantial enough amount now that it justifies their investment. The premise here is that the after-tax winnings from a $70 million dollar jackpot was not worth a few minutes of their time and a few dollars to take a chance on ... but now that the jackpot is like $300 million dollars that the returns do in fact justify the investment.
I think for most people there's just a sort of lack of rational analysis here and a fascination with "wow that's a lot of money" large numbers -- but I like the idea that there's someone who has really thought this out, and they've decided that having like $20mm post-tax dollars from lottery winnings would actually make their life worse, but that once it gets into the $50mm post-tax zone it starts to be worth it for them, and they are thus allocating their lottery investments accordingly.
The drop zone just got smaller
Carrying handcuffs with you all the time sounds like a good idea at first, but I'm not so sure it would always work out.
I guess if you had handcuffs you'd be better prepared to perform a citizen's arrest out in public if you saw some criminal activities occurring near you - but you'd also be subject to the perpetrator of the crime flipping things around on you and then you find yourself handcuffed to a park bench with a bad guy hovering above you.
You'd also be in a solid position at work if an important looking briefcase were to surface where you could just handcuff it to your wrist and say something like "this stays with me until my terms are accepted!" as you storm out of a room. Sure that's fun and maybe even effective - but if you lose the key it's going to be awkward when Steve from accounting has to bring you home for dinner because you're attached to his briefcase and neither of you can find the right handsaw to use.
Maybe if you were in a bar and a classy lady approached you with what might be lewd intentions, you could pull out the cuffs and be like "someone needs to be locked up", but then there's some chance there that she'd actually lock you up and steal your stuff.
This might be one of those "best offense is a good defense" or mutually assured destruction sort of scenarios. It could very well be that the best move with handcuffs is to just keep your handcuffs on your person and at the ready, but never deploy them unless someone else first deploys their handcuffs towards you. Then you could be all "Yeah that's right, you thought you were handcuffing me, but I handcuffed you, and now we're handcuffed together, so get used to it". I'm not sure what happens next after that but it would probably at least surprise them for a moment.
I have my freshman class yearbook picture in my wallet
Here's a fun game to try in your city if you want to interact more with your local running community. First, you need to find a trail or path which is pretty popular with runners and joggers, and you need to find a spot on that path that has a building or outhouse or henhouse or doghouse or something next to it. You just need a structure that's big enough that as you are approaching it from a running direction, you can't see what's on the other side of it. A small shed would probably do.
Once you've found the spot to use, you need a team of 2-3 people. The first person's job is to stand out in front of the structure with a clipboard, and maybe a suit jacket on. They want to look important and respected, but not intimidating. They should like they are part of an academic research team, and not like they are being paid to gather signatures for a survey or campaign or something.
The second person needs to be dressed like a receptionist or executive assistant or something. They must appear somewhat official, and like they are an important guardian of someone else's time. You will have situated some furniture and decorations in your structure so that this person can occupy what looks like a waiting room at some sort of place you'd have appointments in.
The third person should be dressed like a liberal arts professor at a local college mixed with a grief counselor or therapist or something. I realize this is a lot of infrastructure and costuming for the side of a running trail, but bear with me.
Once everyone is set up and ready, the clipboard person's job is to be on the lookout for people who are prone to suggestion and might be willing to stop their run for a moment to participate in a study.
You should ignore very serious looking runners who are moving quickly and with a sense of purpose. It would be very rude to interrupt them because they have their shit together and don't have time for our hijinks. It's also important not to stop groups of like 3+ out of shape people who are barely moving and breathing heavily and quite obviously don't have their act together. They are too fragile and probably won't appreciate the important work that our institute is doing. They will leave more confused and we will make their life a harder struggle than it already is if we attempt to engage their primitive brains in this fun exercise.
Ideally you'd find people who are running by themselves, who are in decent shape but not looking super competitive, and who are not wearing sunglasses. I think a person with sunglasses is not ready to accept our help. I'd say people who are in the 20-28 year old demo would be appropriate for this, but use your judgement, I'm not your games boss.
When you get someone to agree to stop their run for a moment, the clipboard person ushers them into the waiting room where they are greeted by the receptionist person. This person offers them water, takes their name (no papers needed, just a verbal name gathering) and informs them that they will be seen shortly. If the person probes on this point with a question like "Seen? seen by who?". the receptionist should just firmly say "You'll be seen shortly", and not elaborate further. Some number of people will get scared and run out of the room at this point, but if the clipboard person can do their job well and use the criteria we've set out for them, that number will be kept to a minimum.
After the person is made to wait for a few minutes, the door opens and the final person greets them, and asks them to come in. They instruct them to be seated on a couch, and then they pause and take a deep breath and look them right in the eye and say softly, "Hello Janet, can you tell them what you're running from?"
Many people will try to divert the subject with a response like "Well I'm just out for a jog" or something. The therapist's role is to not buy this line of bullshit, and instead keep asking, "No Janet, that's fine, but please tell me what you're running from today?"
They'd keep doing this until the person either told them or ran out of the room crying.